Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Crickets and Trees....

Tonight is so peaceful and quiet. Key word...quiet. THAT is an unfamiliar word in my home and I am happy that it is because what would I do without the sound of this and the sound of that. But tonight as each little and big kid is tucked into bed I am taken back to the summer days of my own childhood. I remember when I was little I had a white cat named Snowball...imagine that, me...with a cat!! (BTW...sorry cat lovers, but I really do not like cats in my aged years) Anyhow, I remember getting up early in the summer to go outside and feed little Snowball her allotment of milk for the day. Then I remember climbing up in my Grandma's apple tree until the sun was completely up and it was time to move on with my day. Then came the joy of running carefree through the sprinklers. Walking down to get a twist ice cream cone. Exploring in the "forest" which was really just a group of trees near our house, and making forts. Lying on my bed reading a book....watching old re-runs of whatever was on....lying under the big tree in front of my house and counting the leaves until I fell asleep, going on long bike rides, french fries and strawberry/banana shakes, suntan oil, midnight hikes, long talks that lasted well beyond curfew, night games, drive in movies, doing nothing at all, sleeping in until noon, pancakes for lunch, picnics by the pond, watermelon wedges, the fresh smell of Russian Olive Trees, the crickets softly singing the world to sleep and the quiet. Why is it that when we are little we are so aware of everything that is around us? Everything means something...it counts. And then as we grow older, we don't have time for THOSE things anymore. Instead we need to do the dishes, fold the clothes, wipe down one last counter. So tonight as I sit here listening to a very loud cricket, I am making a vow to notice. Notice the still of the mornings, the vibrant show that the sunset puts on at night, the way the trees look when their leaves blow in the soft breeze, and just summer in general. What are your favorite summer memories? Please share.


The Gonzales 'Ohana said...

So well written, Nikki. It really is a shame that we become adults and we miss out on enjoying life like we did as a kid. And to think, when we were kids, we couldn't wait to grow up! What were we thinking?

This may not be a real "summer memory" as much as it is a "growing up" memory...but it has now turned into a weird adult obsession for me. I love watching "The Brady Bunch". I even have it recorded on my DVR. Pathetic, ha? But, I guess it just makes me happy because it brings back so many memories of watching that as a kid, especially the re-runs all summer long. (Maybe I should post about this obsession of mine!)

Thanks for reminding me to stop and listen to the crickets...instead of listening to hear the dryer buzz when a load is done!

Tammi said...

I love your blog! I didn't know you had one. I'll have to add it to my list - very cute! Your kids are very photogenic.

Stacey_Killpack@yahoo.com said...

Oh the joys of summer time! You brough back so many great memories for me... Strawberry/banana shakes and fries, bike rides, suntan oil (yikes!), night games... we really had some good times, yes? Yes. :) Love ya!