Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Obamas are Coming for Dinner!!!

So, Kione attended the same high school in Hawaii (Punahou) as our new President did. They obviously were not in the same grade since Kione is MUCH younger than Obama...but this is how the story goes just the same...

On Tuesday, my good friend, Tricia was bringing Malia and her daughter home from dance when Malia proudly announced that her Dad went to school with Barack Obama and we knew his phone number and could call him anytime we want!!!! She then proceeded to notify everyone that he was coming to dinner. Yes, fellow Americans, Barack Obama and family will be putting the country on hold so they can jet on over to the Gonzales home for one of our snazzy, formal dinners!!!!! Well, when she got home and we notified her that even though President Obama and Dad went to the same school together, they didn't know each other and weren't even there at the same time, although Kione claims that he's SURE Obama wishes he knew him (kione).

Well, Malia was torn down and distraught. Her dreams of actually calling the Obama's (including little Malia Obama) over for dinner were shattered! She then proceeded to write a letter to Malia Obama explaining her frustrations! Who knows? It could work!!!

p.s. Anytime, Trish, anytime!


Jodie said...

Now THAT'S funny! I had a similar experience as a kid where I told all my elementary school classmates that Henry Ford (aka: inventor of the automobile) was actually my grandpa (Henry S. Day who owned a car dealership and SOLD Ford automobiles). Yea, that was pretty rough when I found out I wasn't THAT cool.

The Gonzales 'Ohana said...

HI-LA-RI-OUS!!!!!!!!!!! :) But how proud she must be to know that not only did the President go to her Dad's highschool, but that the President's daughter has the same name as her! Now, THAT is cool! (And man, aren't you glad you aren't REALLY cooking dinner for the Obamas?? Talk about PRESSURE!!) :)

Trish said...

I was SO counting on a dinner invite! Not only are Malia's dreams shattered, but the Pinnock's as well. I knew Kione was the shiz....but this was taking it to a WHOLE new level.

6deans said...

That is quite a funny story :D I sure love your new background...super cute!!!

Kim said...

That would be something!

The Neilson Family said...

That is so funny! I am sure I would have been sad too If you broke tha bad news! Hope you are doing well. Sunny California is still waiting!

Stookey Family said...

Oh crap nik I think that everyone from Hawaii Kione knows one or another. oh wait he really does. So Malia was not wrong in thinking her mondo popular Dad would know him. I love it.