Life. Sometimes, we have our good days and then there are the bad. Bad hair days, bad mood days, bad friend days, just plain old bad days. As parents we wish we could erase the bad days our kids have and throw them away. I would rather my own kids' feelings be hurt then have them hurt someone else, but gosh, it sure makes it hard to swallow when one of them get hurt, doesn't it? What I wouldn't give to go back in time and make sure I smiled at everyone everyday just in case they were having a hard time. I only hope I can raise my kids to do that. I have a child, won't mention which one, that had something kinda unfortunate happen to them and this child REALLY rose to the occasion and forgave the person who wronged them. This was even after I complained and moaned and groaned about the situation...they still forgave. I am so impressed with this kid, so amazed at their willingness to move on and forget about how they have been wronged. I am blessed to have such a great kid be such a great example to ME! I learned a lot from that kid that day and I sure am lucky to be their Mom.
I love them!
Such cute kids. You are such a good mom...for your child to handle that situation the way they did had to be from your example. It sure is nice to have things like that happen and realize that the kids we are raising are really GOOD kids :)
Your kids are so great! Give yourselves a big pat on the back because you and Kione are doing an incredible job raising them. Cute picture, too! :)
Well, Nikki - the great part is that they've learned how to forgive and forget...and I'm pretty sure kids don't just come by that naturally! My money's on you. Kudos to you guys for being an example of that - even if it wasn't THIS time, you know? Or...if it was Tiare, it could've been her totally awesome Beehive advisor that taught her to do such a thing :).
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