Monday, September 1, 2008

Tai Teaches Malia a Lesson...

So, Malia threw a little (okay, huge) fit today because she didn't want to get in the shower. It had been a long day, it had been a tiring day, and I announced that I wasn't cooking dinner because I was exhausted. It was Labor Day and we definitely "labored" both inside and outside of the house. So, I told Kione that we were going out to dinner tonight and that was that! After telling Malia to shower about 10 times, I could feel the tiredness getting to me and the blood began to boil. Tai, who is older than Malia and has seen the "blood boil" many times, decided to step in and take control of the situation before things got bad. This is how the conversation went...

Tai: "Malia, come here right now."
Malia: "What do you want?"
Tai: "Malia, just do what she says. Do you want to make Mom have to be the bad guy?" As I listened to Tai ask Malia this question I am cracking UP because I have told him numerous times that when he disobeys it makes me feel like the bad guy that has to pass out the consequences.
Malia: "Well, yes...I do want her to be the bad guy. Because that means I get to be the superhero." By this time I am laughing so hard that I need to run to the bathroom.
Tai: (resorting to other means of helping the situation...bribery...) "Malia, I have a dollar in my room and I will PAY you to shower." He is really trying to avoid me turning into the "bad guy."
Malia: "Hah! I don't want a little dollar!"
Tai: "Okay, how about two dollars?"
Malia: "No way!"
Tai: getting agitated at trying to help the situation..."Fine, how about ten dollars????"
This continues on until Tai reaches the fifty dollar mark!
Finally, when he announces, "Malia, I will give you fifty dollars if you shower for Mom!"
Malia: "You got a deal! Mom, will you start the shower? And Tai, go get your wallet!"
The blood drains from Tai's face and he wonders what he's done.
Tai: "Malia, okay, I don't really have fifty dollars, but I do have a penny. Will you settle for that? It's a lucky penny!"
Malia: "Okay, fine."
Malia gets the penny, takes the shower, I'm not the bad guy and Tai has saved the day!


The Gonzales 'Ohana said...

I'm TOTALLY enjoying your blog! What a cute, cute story! I can totally imagine Tai saying all those things to Malia! Too funny! You are doing WAY better than me on your blog! I haven't done anything on you well know. I just don't have any time lately. And I don't know what I'm doing either! UGH! Hopefully, I'll get cracking soon. Till then, I'll be waiting for your next entry!

Nicole said...

You can't even make this stuff up, it's so good! I'm so glad to have found your blog:)

Jodie said...

That's too funny, Nikki. We could use little Tai around our house when he's not busy playing tackle football - does he negotiate with toddlers too?